terms and conditions

Our website displays offers for booking hotels in Dubai that are provided by our business partners and converts visitors into booking partners. Please note that booking conditions vary according to each partner, so please read each partner’s booking conditions carefully before making your booking.

Reservations and Costs Our reservation partners provide information related to your reservation, including rates, availability, and more. Please note that our website cannot guarantee room availability or rates. In addition, additional costs for reservations may vary from partner to partner, so please check all prices and costs before completing your reservation.

Limited Liability Our website acts as an intermediary between visitors and our business partners, and does not bear responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from the use of the services that are provided by our partners. Please contact the relevant booking partner for any additional information about payments, insurance and guarantees policies.

Rights and Licenses Our Site reserves all rights in the materials displayed on the Site, including text, images, graphics, logos and trademarks. You may not use any content from the Site without our written permission.

Please note that the Site does not bear any responsibility for the services provided by the booking partner, including delays, cancellations or errors in bookings. The visitor bears full responsibility for the booking made through the booking partner, including payment, booking details, insurance and other terms and conditions related to the booking.

Changes to Terms and Conditions We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of this website from time to time. We will post any changes on this page